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Feed Your Soil





Book "Termites, you have to want to"


The book, "Termites, you have to want to" is written by lzzy, the reformed termite and Jim. It is written in the first person by both lzzy and Jim. The purpose of this publication is to put into everyday language the challenges that termite technicians have had to endure in the treatment of structures, understanding the label and in dealing with regulatory agencies for over the past four decades.

We will briefly review and discuss the different kinds of termites and their biology so as to have reference points as we journey through this publication. We will then go back in our time machine to review the early developments of our industry and how it developed and evolved into the monster that it is now. Then we will project into the future using the past and present as our guide. The language used is not fancy or necessarily scientific, as it tends to diminish the clarity of what is being spoken . It is rather in terms understandable to the everyday reader.


"Termites have historically been viewed as pests. However, once you meet lzzy, the engaging termite who takes you through the history, biology and control of his species, you will think differently about these little creatures! Social communal and overall amazing, termites hold an important place in the world's ecology. Yet, it is important to keep them in check in human communities. Mr Melendez's book gives the reader a clear an easy- to- understand overview of the various aspects of termites and termite control. Enjoyable reading for everyone not just pest control professionals."

Pat Smith (San Juan County Library Director)
Monticello, Utah
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